“It's Not a Home Without FUR-KIDS”
Although the custom print process is the same, our furry friends deserve their own special page, just for the sheer joy they bring to our families. For some, these ARE the baby pictures!
Whether our pets are still running along side of us or waiting for us at the "Rainbow Bridge", custom pet portraits from photos are a wonderful way to celebrate and memorialize some of our most loyal confidantes..
At Katie Kenney Gallery Prints, we like to give back to those that are furthering the cause. $25 of your Custom Pet Portrait order will be donated to a local Lost Dog/ Pet Rescue organization!
• Please Click Below and follow STEPS 1, 2 & 3:
- Once you've complete all 3 steps, we can get started on your print!
- Pet portrait sizes vary, so please click on the correct link when purchasing.
YES! Let's Start!
As an artist, I strive to bring a different perspective to the table. Our latest project involves our furry friends stepping from in front of the camera to behind the lens. Haven't you ever wondered how your "little one" sees life on their daily journey anyway? Well, at KKGP, we thought it would be fun to have some folks hang a pet camera around some pets, so we can see what they see. The pet cameras I've seen (check Amazon) are lightweight and resemble not much more than a dog collar, so it won't be obtrusive to your l'il guy (or gal).
The plan is to have folks upload their pets' photos. and choose a winner each month (depending upon participation). If your photo is chosen, we will create a piece of art from the photo and provide you with a finished photo into art, hand-embellishment art print on canvas. We may even add the finished piece to our product line!
1.) Fill out the form
2.) Upload your photos
(Be sure to add "Cool Cam in the subject line)
Upload Photo(s)
This Month's Local Rescue website
Cool Cam... A Pet's Perspective
~ Information Form ~